Sunday, May 11, 2008

Perception of Care

“I’ll always care for you, and be there whenever you need me” said Jacque Yvez to Evil D’Angel.

Caring is a natural feeling or instinct that has been long dwelled or implanted in everyone’s heart since birth. It is very often that we see how people care and help for each others. The love that shaped caring in our hearts has enable humanity to unite together at times, as there are times where one another are in the need of help. Some chose to help as they have greater diversity of care, yet some do not as they have less. Then, it is often said to be good to care for others as many ethical values are taken into account, such as respect and consideration, as to have a better environment or world and bring happiness to others. Indeed, caring is a sincerity out from the heart of the human soul and not just a thought of concept to gain benefits for oneself.

As always, people would misuse many things in life for their own selfishness without realizing the harm they out on others. No consideration and respect they have, as selfishness and desire to overtake them as a whole which corrupt their minds as parasites to love in their mentality and hence it becomes a mindset. Yet, caring, without a doubt still exist in both worlds, worlds of good and evil. Many evil things a man would do yet a caring instinct still dwells in his heart, very deep it is as it has been long exiled by the forgotten manner of a selfish doing. It is locked and kept away; hence such people would forget their own roots and real purpose of life without realizing they have neglected the caring hearts of theirs. The convictions of a man’s faulty manner would often be as guilty as more than it shall be, it is because they would soon realize the wrongs and harms they have brought. From there, they are awaken by the mechanisms in the body that differentiate right and wrong instinctly, hence they would feel regret as it doesn’t come to a point where things seem to never satisfy them. Of course, regret they feel then it would eventually be the key to unlock their forsaken caring heart. Thus, naturally and instinctly they would plead for forgiveness and pay their wrongs. Too late? Perhaps in certain manners, yet most people are given the second chance to prove as most of us are kind enough to do so with our caring hearts. As most people would, caring would often be the only solution by touching others’ lives by giving affections and love. Despite that we always have hope for better things; better days, better lives, and a better world.

It is hope that has also driven us towards our future, as we care because we have concerns for others. Many may have a pleasant life but not many would be as fortunate as we can imagine because the world is a big place. Yet, it is those who have concerns for others have reached their hands out to the needy ones, as it is not wise to watch and do nothing because it is just cruel to do so. In fact, there is nothing in giving in and expect nothing in return because it is the true caring sincerity that can only bring happiness to others. Many will always be remembered and not forgotten. This is we were thought with good deeds since birth, and as God has no intentions in abandoning humanity. The matter does not concern the religions in the world, as all religions would share the same concepts and principles of caring for humanity. It has been part of us ever since the day one for human to live in this world with caring, as it would be the only root and energy for our survival in this planet. For many centuries, people have tried to salvage themselves for war, yet war has never seem to be ended, because in different parts of the worlds people tend to have different mentality as it protects themselves from being harm as they care about their own people. Of course, it is a good thing that they care as shown through their actions but not known by many in their hearts. Many thought war or by killing is the only solution for victory. By shedding more blood it was seen as a scarification of loyalty, honors, respect and love, yet these were only thoughts of obsessions and possessions of mind over body, which has taken the loving heart away from them. The caring they thought were already long disappeared since the first drip of blood that each sword has sworn to what it does best. In fact, people still show and do sincere caring no matter what it takes as many people have the determination to have better changes for others as it is the concern that they have. For many, a fool may seem useless to exist but a fool no one is as only those who have no caring for others can only be considered as fools themselves.

Reaching others’ lives may seem a difficult task to achieve, as many have their own thought and ways of living. But with a simple touch of affection and sincerity, the feelings of being saved would be projected from the heart to the mind as an alarm to wake up our mind consciously to acknowledge us that caring is a very need to everyone’s life as it means a lot and it can be done, which many lives can be saved. Many people do not hesitate to care and help as they feel it is important to do so and it makes them feel it is a need, yet some may not have the same thought after all. Some are wise because they choose not to care as they think they be deceived as people might misuse them for the wrong purposes or reasons, hence it leads them to ignore and neglect others because to prevent themselves from getting harmed and deceived. Yes, many people can act deceptively and not according to there outlook. Even though we may be kind and caring, yet I is always important to bear in mind that we shall protect our own lives and dignity as well because if we are unable to care ourselves then we will not be able to care for others, as it is the reason why we live and exist in both worlds to help and care for others. Many people may be as evils as they seem but with a touch of caring and affection things might change in them, as hope is there. Thus, it is wise to offer help to the needy ones and to the ones that deserves.

It is never too late to care for people, as there billions in the world. Yet, we can only achieve our best to do so as potentially we are able to do our best though it may be a little help. Many people have not given up their hopes and dreams for many things in this world, certainly the most obvious matter we can see now is trying to save earth from global warming as it is the concern faced by many which leads to climate change. Up to some circumstances, many stood not just for themselves but for many other people, even animals, as it is the concern for the sake of our future generations. Nothing is forever, for this is true as we are intellectual enough to comprehend this logically. For humanity it is, caring plays the vital role of this world as it is the mean of our survival. Together we shall, and together it is that we live on one planet together; caring hence is part of us and will always be within us because we are the mortals that walk on the soil and the bearer of this planet.

By Jack Ho

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