Monday, May 26, 2008

On Second Thought

Perhaps, people do have their own intentions and motive after all when they do something on purpose by causing effects to others, and not knowing the consequences. When many of us do something, we are often driven by our desires and goals so as to achieve them. It is important to achieve what we want in life, but it is also important to think them over and over again before a decision is made. But to be honest, there are many people who do things without thinking it twice or have a calculative measure.

In order to think wisely, and have calculative measures as these are the essential steps to be taken as to have a successful achievement without feeling devastated once it is failed. Calculative measurements are often used to foresee or forecast the consequences of your desires or goals, as they are able to obtain calculative risk and measurement of obstacles to be encountered. When measures of risks are taken and calculated, one is able to prepare itself for the danger to come as not to blame others for the outcome which might even his or her own life. This measure is also to prove us as a warning as, a fear factor perhaps, to warn us the danger that it has and the level and intensity of the risk. Besides, these measurements are often well practiced in modern day’s business industry as well. When a work is being carried out, it is expected to be productive as to allow the company to generate more revenue. So in order to have revenue, it is wise that calculative measurements of risk, succession of the work, and productivity, as this will enable the company to foresee the outcome of the work. Hence, these people are capable of making their decision and even to provide alternative solution to have a better work productivity in order to have safe and productive revenue.

Since this practice is well practiced by many, it can also be applied into our daily life as well. The environments around us are filled with risk factors, as many hazards are surrounding us. Even just a simple rock can cause somebody to fall or hit by it when kids play around with it. Thus, it is very important to bear in mind that safety is an important issue to be well practice and remember for always! When we set ourselves a target, it is wise indeed to know the outcome of it, calculate what will be encountered and what the obstacles will be and their level of intensity. These measurements do not just let you think twice about what you’re gonna do, but it also allows you to be acknowledge and learn what is more to life. Even if you’re a risk-taker you would what your chances of hit a block is most likely to be, but then since you already knew what you’re gonna hit and you eventually be prepared for it to deal with it. Our instinct is filled with defense mechanisms as it is to protect ourselves from being harmed, even if the protection is only 1% yet it still helps. By any means, no matter how tough or how smart you think you are, many things will still have its own risk and consequences to come. To understand what you will encounter is not enough, but it is even more important to understand and re-consider the consequences because sometimes it could be a life and death situation.

The moment when I took up triathlon, I knew the risk I have to encounter and experience through this journey. The risk is high indeed in triathlon, because many factors are included such as injury, accidents, and even heart attack, so even though I’m able to foresee these calculated risks are high yet the consequences are even more higher because when safety measurements are not taken into account then it is most potentially I would end up dead. That is why alternative solutions are always being taken into when it comes to planning because they provide a safer way in approaching goals or targets. It is not necessary just to have one solution and assume that is the only way, because things work in many ways and it is up to our own intelligence to dominate these problems, as if there is a problem then there is a solution to the matter. That is why we have the word “Solution” exist in this world, so it is very wise not to ignore when people are kind enough to offer advices or comments because you won’t know if it’s gonna safe your life. Limitations of your mind does not bring you the achievement and goals that you desire, it is only what you seek with unlimited power to determine your goal.

On second thought, when we are ought to do something we dream of, desire, or goals that we wanna achieve yet we are to look at them carefully. There is no point rushing or hurrying for nothing can be superbly mastered over a night as it takes time. Time is the essence of mankind’s succession, where as one can be patiently enough to reach its goals. Think twice or thrice or more just to make sure you’re ready to face the challenges to come, for it is not for you to give up on what you want and wish. Wise decision is the key to a better life, yet a wise thought is a key to a better tomorrow.

By Jack Ho

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