Sunday, May 25, 2008

No Boundary

Often, boundary is known to the limitations of anything that is set to be, just about anything in this world so as our own capabilities. Some boundaries were set to provide as rules and regulations, then some boundaries such as territorial ones are set to maintain personal rights and privacy. Of course, these are the physical boundary we see and live around with and in all over the world. But, the mind itself has also be known to have boundary within its limitations. Limit it is, but how limited is it when the time never seems to stop revolving around us and the world? The Earth never stops its rotation, the Sun never stops its burn, and we, the humans, have never stop to live in this planet.

Limit or boundary, for they are words that are being used to describe what or how far we can only reach in many matters. But wise, it is only words that tell our minds to stop ourselves from proceeding as there are rules or regulations to obey. Rules can be anything, from laws to concepts of life or even to religious matter. So these are perhaps why we are often encountering by the limitations we face as to structure our lifestyle or even freedom. In fact, there are tons of stories in this world that have said to be inspirational and motivational because of the impossible they have achieved, or perhaps sacrifices that have made that leads to an evolution of the human society. Rules are boundary that sets our limitations in what we do in fact, but most obviously it is our minds that set ourselves. Rules are, or have, always meant to be broken because the intelligence in us allows our minds to work rationally and intellectually for that is the nature of the brain. We proceed and excel beyond our limits to find greater achievement and life, for it is our freedom to do so as we have a purpose to live our lives. So why set boundary within your life? Where as you can do many great things and achieve the impossible and the unthinkable in your life, even perhaps what you can do would even change the world and make a historical icon for yourself.

Many people have achieved what were thought to be impossible; Albert Einstein, Shakespeare, The Wright Brothers, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, etc, these are some of the most famous people who have overcame the impossible. These people were also defined to have insanity back then, but it was their passion and believes have rewarded them the achievement they deserved. Even in sporting history, many great athletes have been faster, longer, greater, stronger and even stronger till today. Runners have broken time barriers that were the unthinkable, swimmers have swam faster than the unimaginable, and many more great names to be mentioned. These are the obvious examples of how boundary has been broken, and limit no longer is limited anymore.

Even I, myself, once thought there were many things I couldn’t do as I never realised how one can actually go beyond the limit to find greater pasture, not until I lived with my dreams and passion. I remember, the very moment when I got to know triathlon when I was a kid, I told myself that I would be able to do it once day and strongly believe I can even perhaps achieved what I was desired to. So first time when I had my first race, it was really difficult and tough as the race was a survival ordeal for a first timer as I was. Even though I nearly gave up, but somehow I was determined to finish the race even if I had a single breath left and I really pushed myself really hard. In the end, I finished the race though I lost but deep inside me I knew I have achieved a greater distant in my life. From then on, it was my first step to believe the impossible can always be achieved as long as I set my mind to and focus on my goals, and just go for it. It was even greater when I did adventure challenge because it was really tough and challenging to survive the race in the jungle without any help. I remember well it was the Borneo Ballbreaker 2004, a 30km run in the jungle, I joined the race without any second thought because I was so anxious to try something new as to challenge myself. I didn’t know the obstacles ahead of me; I was blinded and never thought the difficulties of the race. It wasn’t until when I came to realise how tough it was, as many people started to pull out and didn’t wanna go on. I almost gave up as well because it took me 5 hours to reach the first check point along with a friend, but then we changed our minds because we realise how far we have come and the worth of finishing this race was just too great. It was really tough going through the race for the whole day; the weather was hot and humid, so dreadful. Then, when I finished at 14th placed with a time of 7hrs 29mins, I felt so great because I never knew I could survive such a great distant. There 180 people at the race, but in the end only 28 got to finish, and I felt really happy to be one of the 28 to have such an unforgettable achievement in 2004 as it was a historical moment to be remembered by everyone. That dreadful race was definitely a God given lesson for me to learn and always remember it well, because impossible is nothing as long as it can be done when the mind is set to and no matter how tough it gets yet the toughness gets it going. The challenges I have are just my game after all, overcoming the impossible and difficulties may be tough but in the end it is well rewarded with great dignity and honour.

Believe it or not, everything begins with a dream. Boundary may be set in our life but yet it is still our own choice to make the decision to break it. The achievement you find will be something that is a lifelong education, and you will even understand yourself more to see the world. So if you have a dream or a goal, why stop yourself from doing it? As the opportunity is in yourself, and it is up to you to make the decision in stepping over the horizon.

Remember this; Nothing is Impossible, if you Just Do It.

By Jack Ho

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