Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Articles 2009

This year with a new experience from the past, I have decided to reshuffle and categorize a new form of articles in my blog. As it has been in 2008, most articles were based on the walks of life, concerning everyday's behaviour and encounters.

So as for this year, the key components will be slightly different as an approach to something new. Instead of focusing one components in an article, I've somehow have rejoined 2 critical keys together to form a directional components in articles. Hence, as I would say it will be certainly something more redefying and catchy.

As to put it up, the combinations are:

Emotions + Earth / Nature = X

Thus, with these combinations for 2009 I hope my articles will be much more inspiring and interesting.

By Jacques Yvez

Mi Pequeño Español

Actualmente estoy en la oficina de blogs ahora, como tengo nada que hacer. Me desperté esta mañana en torno a finales de 7:30, y llegué a la oficina alrededor de 8 algo. Pero por suerte mi jefe está bien con él, porque aquí es muy flexible.

Estaba lloviendo mucho durante todo el día de ayer, y no pude hacer mi formación en todos después del trabajo. Así que me sentía muy aburrido en casa, y estaba viendo la televisión. Le di una llamada a Phoebe le dicen acerca de este sábado y también el plan que estoy volviendo el jueves por la noche después del trabajo, así que espero que vaya todo bien si no me sentiría realmente aburrido en Miri. Primera parada en la cena Fratini, y luego hacer un recorrido en el mercado de la noche de Año Nuevo chino. Será muy concurrido, sin embargo, pero al menos vamos a llegar a ver la cultura de la gente de Miri. Mi colega Roberto colega de Barcelona, España, será probablemente demasiado en Miri, si no tiene nada que hacer aquí en Brunei. Es aburrido, aunque en Brunei, por lo que al menos sería más divertido para él en Miri.

Extraño mucho mi amor, tienes que hablar con ella ayer por la noche por teléfono, como de costumbre. Quisiera llamar su cada noche sólo para oír su dulce voz amorosa. Pero fue muy divertido su burla en español, que siguió diciendo que era muy media. Gracias a Brian para que viva mi enseñanza mí, y tuve un buen momento de su burla. "Me gusta tu culo gran te", que es lo que le dijo, y así como "Su culo es dulce", pero fue muy divertido, porque aunque sabía que ella se sentiría vergüenza al respecto. Encanta cuando ella es muy tímida, porque simplemente sus mejillas rosadas su vez.

Voy a correr en la selva de hoy, en la tabla. Lo extraño mucho, como lo ha sido 5 años desde que salí de Brunei anteriormente. Así que voy a cumplir todos mis amigos de nuevo esta tarde, y sería genial ver. No puedo esperar a sentir la armonía de la naturaleza del flujo y el latido del corazón de la selva. Estoy tan va a encantar!

Monday, January 19, 2009

La vie de l'Amour

Victoire, l'amour de ma vie, que j'ai rencontré il ya longtemps de ne pas trop en Novembre. Je me souviens encore très clairement la première fois que je l'ai rencontrée, elle était timide et convivial en dehors. Mais encore une fois, je n'ai jamais pensé que je tombe en amour pour elle car elle n'a jamais été dans mon esprit. Peut-être que le vieux dicton est bon, les choses se produisent quand ils sont moins attendus. Il a été plus d'un mois depuis que notre relation a commencé. Jusqu'ici tout va bien, bien sûr, et je me suis juré de ne pas répéter les erreurs stupides que j'ai fait dans le passé de ma vie.

Tout est nouveau dans ma vie maintenant, et il est toujours bon d'être comme une chance est donnée à redémarrer un nouveau voyage. Par conséquent, je suis vraiment heureux d'avoir dans ma vie de Victoria. Même si notre relation a été plus d'un mois encore, il estime, comme il a été là depuis des siècles. Nous avons passé beaucoup de temps ensemble, comme nous avons essayé de notre mieux pour voir les uns les autres, avant, elle doit retourner à Singapour pour ses études alors que je devais venir à Brunei pour le travail.

Le temps que nous avons passés ensemble ont été précieusement conservé et surtout très mémorable. En effet, ils sont, comme nous l'avons vécue à la meilleure possible. Le sentiment pour elle est juste différente car je n'ai jamais ressenti de cette façon avant pour une fille. Je l'aime vraiment beaucoup, mais encore avec tout ce que j'avais dans le passé, je suis une meilleure personne maintenant. Ainsi, je suis tout en chérissant la chance que j'ai pour elle...et, bien sûr, apprécier la très peu de choses.

Elle est une grande personne d'être fait, comme elle a un caractère unique qui ne peut se faire sentir et extrêmement difficile à décrire. Son amour est sincère en effet, pour tout ce que je sais que je suis tellement en amour avec elle. Ai-je la bonne pathétiquement crazy in love? Ou un fou d'amour? Pourtant, un homme qui est dans l'amour. Pour tout ce qu'elle peut être et qu'il est, mon amour pour elle restera pure et fidèle de tout mon coeur.

Bien que nous mai être éloigné exception pour l'instant, mais je reste, elle n'est pas lointain, après tout. Tous les jours, j'entends sa voix et il est tout aussi doux que jamais. Avec un peu de la bénédiction et la foi, je abattre un mur de la solitude dans un champ de l'amour et de joie.

Il ya des moments où j'ai peur de certaines questions qui affectent nos relations, comme ma propre personnalité et de ma vie. Mais encore, elle semble très acceptable, en quelque sorte. Avec la foi, je l'ai, je l'espère, rien ne changements si les choses tournent mal mai dans ce monde. Elle est la confiance qu'elle a en moi, que je ne vais pas les abus. Il est l'amour qu'elle a en moi, que je ne vais pas abandonner. L'honnêteté, l'engagement et la foi sont tout ce qu'il prend pour 2 coeurs ensemble comme un seul.

Après tout, le chemin à parcourir est encore long et attend un avenir meilleur. Pour tout ce que j'ai en moi et elle, le temps passe vite en nous voyons nulle part à l'autre de nouveau. Il a été le fait d'une grande en moi, je remercie Dieu pour une autre chance d'aimer à nouveau. La longue histoire du baiser attendu a été un rêve, une histoire de prince charmant et la princesse Sleepy Beauty, il est effectivement. Pour tout ce qui vient, l'amour prend un tout nouveau voyage loin que l'imagination de la mine.

Je t'aime, mon cher...pour toujours.

Par Jacques Yvez Charmmiel

The 3rd Week

Finally, it's already the 3rd week into my industrial training. I'm now being placed in the Well Planning department; it is one of the most critically important departments of the Oil & Gas business. Drilling business is certainly good money, and easy money is some ways I would put it. You found the oil reservoir, and then you're called to drill. And how to drill and reach the oil reservoir? That's the job of Well Planning's department.

I must say, technology has loosened people’s lives in many ways. Can you imagine plotting a drilling plan manually? That is nearly the impossible task to be done, yet these software and technologies could do it all with zero mistake, as it is required to be exact and precise. Anyhow, I’m really enjoying myself learning all I can in this department…it is just great!

Chinese New Year is coming soon, and my boss was just telling me to take a few days off as many people will not be around for work next week. So I get a few days off to stay in Miri though. She is not around so I would feel quite bored without her, I’m just missing her so much, as she’s really lovely and adorable most of all. But no matter how far she is, I still feel she’s very close to my heart.

“O dearest soul of love, for you have come afar into me,
Shall not see yer may in the ocean,
Horizon seen endless for it will,
Neither the scenery of all brings the visage of mine,
When yet it lies in the very soul of us,
The beauty of yours stretches across the unknown,
For I feel and see,
With each breeze and wind swing across softly,
The very touch of mine,
Feel yer may in the very end…I love you.”

My training is great, tiring but great! I love my sport and it’s just feeling great to improve. Yet, I feel some pain in my right leg, at the calf’s muscles. I must have overdone it during the core power workout yesterday, not sure if I should continue with my long run later as I just missed out my lunch. I don’t really have the appetite today, all I feel is like working out and training even harder to reach my target. I know I can, and I’m doing it to make it there. There is nothing I can’t, for my mind sets me free beyond the limit of boundary.

By Jacques Yvez

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Into the week

It is the 2nd week into my industrial training now, and I've been learning alot in this company which contributes the powerful knowledge, not to just my studies, but also to my future career. Last week I was placed in the Service Planning department, which was great because I got to meet the clients in Brunei Shell. Then, currently I'm in the Operation Department learning all the key critical items that are used for drilling. Getting my hands dirty on those equipments have been challenging, as there are alot of engineering stuffs involve, but yet that doesn't stop me because I'm learning alot.

Two months in Brunei, sure it feels boring here but reminds me of my school days life back in St.Michael's. Life here is peaceful, calm, and harmonic. I like it in a way where there are not many distractions. So indeed, I'm able to focus even more in my triathlon training here. I'm currently focusing 110% on my running, it's been working great though may be tiring sometimes, but however I hope the result will be good in races.

I feel bored, very...just because I'm in Brunei, but as a matter of fact I do wish for something which is in the hope that time would pass quickly. She has just gone back to Singapore, and not seeing her for a day or two I'm already missing her tonnes. She's truly wonderful and beauitful, the soul of my very heart in every single breath that I take means the whole world to her. I love her and miss her very very much, but as it awaits where time will come and I shall see her very soon in March.

I have realised I have not written any articles in weeks or months. But that would not be gone for long as the presence of my writing will revive itseld again once more, in search of inspiration I have and trying to find the meaning of everything I've done. As soon as classes resume, my hands will once more play the melody of a piano which lies the words of my thoughts.

P.S: I miss you my dear, and I love you with my heart and soul for always.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The 2009

A new year has come once again, 2009. As I can recall, 2008 has been a blessed and great year for me where many happiness and obstacles have played a big role in my life. But truly as it has been, 2008 has given me so much to be even a better person for the upcomings. After all that's left are just memory and history, where the journey ahead is still a long road home.

I'm intensely satisfied with what I have achieved in 2008's resolutions, most were achieved except for one. But then it is alright for there is still another year to try. Seen I have in 2008, done I have in 2008, and those are the most valuables in life that one can ever have are the experiences of everything you may go through. I thank God and my family for everything, if it hasn't been the existence of humanity then perhaps there wouldn't be a day of my existence.

2009 began as I have expected, it is a new year. Yes, everybody loves when it is new, new things are always in favoured by many of course. So as for this year, life has definitely changed a little from the past, or more, and truly adventurous as it will be.
I really hope this year I can achieve even better in triathlon to another higher level, and still continue to live the Olympic Dream where goals are up high and which defines the impossibles. Then of course, my study will be one of my major tagets too as I would like to perform even better than I can do, because possibilies and probability count as so then I would come with greater results level by level.
It is amazing how I found my love life in the very end of 2008, and it is something I have never felt before, so different. As for this year, I hope it will all go well as faith has taken its role. I love her and will always do truly from my heart, and that would mean I will be a very good boy for this year. I really miss her alot right now, as I am away from here. But nevertheless she is right her in my heart and never to be forgotten. The love of a pure brings the faith of two then comes the divine world of his and her's..."I love you".
Dreams do come true, and you just gotta keep living it, because I am the living dream. Hence, career wise I would also perform to my best and give it a shot, because if you don't try then you will never know.

It is always good to try something new and you will always gain experience each time you learn. Plus, that is just me as well because I'm a risk taker and always on the look out to learn and crave for more knowledges. The world is just an awesome place to be, love it or hate as we can only live long enough to see ourselves giving the best for each and every one of our own blood.

I am currently in Brunei and will be here for 2 months, because I am attached with Halliburton for industrial training. And it is only the first and so far I love the working environment, it is great and I'm learning alot. Like I said, the world is an awesome place and knowledge of its kind is just infinite. I'm really enjoying myself here, and at least it is very peaceful here in Brunei which also bring many school days memory back. Oh well, 2 months will be gone very quick and I will just have to treasure all the time I can have here.

Life is just great, when you think it is. So what is you thought? Take a minute or a moment, or all the time you need? Because you will also find something meanigful to yourself, and never regret it for it is your's. Love it? Well, I hope you do it for 2009.

By Jacques Yvez