Sunday, May 25, 2008

Blood Diamonds of Tears

Diamonds, sparkling and shiny they are. The beauty of a diamond represents luxury and nature of its kind. Many has the love of diamonds for it is hard to find and obtain, precious they are. The rich has no problem affording diamonds, yet the poor can only dream of it.

Yet, while many enjoy the luxury companionship of a diamond, yet many tears and blood suffer for a diamond. Diamonds provide the solutions of money in Africa, as to invest what they need for war. The human greed and desire of wealth have been dwelled in the hearts of the evil ones for long, where as humanity does not longer exist in their vocabulary. The determination for a success has become an obsession, and insanity that fills their minds.

Harms they have, many lives were taken. Every child, father and mother’s lives were spared for diamonds. For they are sacrifices, that made to be said for their country, yet it is for their own wealth and greed of obsession. People, innocent people had no directions, nowhere to run; for the sake of survival they have no options but to shed more blood for diamonds. The dime that makes money, for money is just notes to communicate for survival.

Lives were threaten and brought to devastation, while diamonds are enjoyed by many. Look how far has humanity gone where leaders pursue peace and freedom for their people, yet the real scenario is an intertwined of those words. Words that have no meaning at all, empty they are. So as they are, mistakes of human desires and not the diamonds.

Hence, diamonds beautiful they are. Perhaps, the next time when you see a diamond then it would be even wiser of picturing what have been encountered in order to have a beautiful dime.

By Jack Ho


Unknown said...

Well written, but you have a few facts off.

First of all very few diamonds are actual "blood diamonds" most are certified and have not funded the warlord in africa.

Second not all diamond even come from africa.

It is important to beable to tel lthe different from conflict and legitimate diamonds.

Jacques Yvez said...

Thanks Sam, appreciate your comment.

But what I'm refering is only Blood Diamonds.

I would love to hear from you more.
