Tuesday, June 19, 2007


My date with Casandra was great this morning, I put her on the Computrainer and rode for 60mins. It was boring though dating her at home with the tv switch on, as nothing much interesting to watch in the early morning hours. I was sweating like hell for sure, completely wet. And Casandra was spinning greatly! So I had a great cadence training after all, and I'm getting along well with Casandra. I love Casandra so much!

My dad said I look weak, skinny, and sick, but I don't feel that way after all. Most people say i look that way though, even Zaza. So I find it weird as I feel alright, because I don't feel sad, unhappy, depress, or broken hearted. All that I feel is I love myself, Casandra and my life.

I'm feeling a little sleepy today, as I didn't have enough good sleep last night. I have to rest well for the couple of days before the race on Sunday. I gotta get my body ready and ready to rock! I gotta eat right somemore, but my family doesn't eat what I eat so it's hard for me to dine with them. The most I can eat is Chicken and Salad, and nothing more oily and unhealthy, especially junk foods. Protein, Calcium and Vitamins are vital, and the most important one is Carbo as it has to be loaded before races, not too much of course.

Miri International Triathlon is only 3 days away, and I just gotta stay focus on it.

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