Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Minesweeper Deal!

So, the challenge is ON! I am getting my head crack on minesweeper, finally. I gotta admit this game is tough, not an easy one to play. It's all NUMERIC! A skillful hand with numbers would definitely be a good winner for this game though. And together with that, a good memory does the best trick too.

What was I thinking taking up this challenge? I could have just accepted her offer to show me how she plays it, but on second thought I refuse. I like to learn things my own way so I get better idea and understand of it. Besides, I have plenty of time to play this puzzled-numeric-kaboom game. One week is the limit, and I am up for this challenge.

I know she is good with it because she has a high record of it, 99 mines in 120 seconds...how fast is that? It's really fast because it has taken me minutes looking for a few mines. I never really played this game, the only time I played is setting all the bombs off, print screen and copy, then retraced it back accordingly – cheating!

Number tells everything to be honest. This reminds me of how prophecies have been made base on numbers, as long as humanity have existed. This is purely natural I believe, it's like a universal code of entry to everything that you will ever want. Every number has its own definition, and when you add that up it gives you something even better.

She - CC - is good with numbers, I know, and no doubt about it. And, I'm only good with my words. I gotta admit that I am not a numeric person, rather I am just an alphabetical person. Mathematics have always been a lame subject to me, except for Algebra and Equations (because they have alphabets in it). Theories and formulas have been created by mankind itself, and I believe the control is still not so beyond from our own hands at all.

So what does your number tell you? You will find that answer within yourself, and only yourself will know. Then again, I am in desperation to get this game mastered before the challenge. I think I have nothing else better to do that is why, it's all for a good to keep myself busy for the moment.

Two more weeks and I will be home alone, dislike the fact that everyone leaves the whole house to me. I have no idea what I will be going to do, but it's definitely gonna get me crazy if I were to keep staying home alone. No choice, I can't get out of the house too often because I have to guard the house. I really wonder what I should do with it, because now that I am alone already boredom is definitely gonna kill me badly!

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