Monday, January 19, 2009

The 3rd Week

Finally, it's already the 3rd week into my industrial training. I'm now being placed in the Well Planning department; it is one of the most critically important departments of the Oil & Gas business. Drilling business is certainly good money, and easy money is some ways I would put it. You found the oil reservoir, and then you're called to drill. And how to drill and reach the oil reservoir? That's the job of Well Planning's department.

I must say, technology has loosened people’s lives in many ways. Can you imagine plotting a drilling plan manually? That is nearly the impossible task to be done, yet these software and technologies could do it all with zero mistake, as it is required to be exact and precise. Anyhow, I’m really enjoying myself learning all I can in this department…it is just great!

Chinese New Year is coming soon, and my boss was just telling me to take a few days off as many people will not be around for work next week. So I get a few days off to stay in Miri though. She is not around so I would feel quite bored without her, I’m just missing her so much, as she’s really lovely and adorable most of all. But no matter how far she is, I still feel she’s very close to my heart.

“O dearest soul of love, for you have come afar into me,
Shall not see yer may in the ocean,
Horizon seen endless for it will,
Neither the scenery of all brings the visage of mine,
When yet it lies in the very soul of us,
The beauty of yours stretches across the unknown,
For I feel and see,
With each breeze and wind swing across softly,
The very touch of mine,
Feel yer may in the very end…I love you.”

My training is great, tiring but great! I love my sport and it’s just feeling great to improve. Yet, I feel some pain in my right leg, at the calf’s muscles. I must have overdone it during the core power workout yesterday, not sure if I should continue with my long run later as I just missed out my lunch. I don’t really have the appetite today, all I feel is like working out and training even harder to reach my target. I know I can, and I’m doing it to make it there. There is nothing I can’t, for my mind sets me free beyond the limit of boundary.

By Jacques Yvez

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