Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Best ways to dump a Girl

1. Make her feel bored!!
- when you do this, it's so much easier than anything else because she would start to realise her life feels boring and no fun with you at all. So start acting bored and bye bye she goes.

2. Keep a hectic schedule for yourself!
- girls feel left out when guys are busy doing their things, yet it's one of the best way is because you don't make them feel you're avoiding them. If you do make them feel being avoided, the more they'll cling onto you!! Hence, busy with work or study helps you to get a free seat to fly.

3. Stop paying attention to her!!
- this really works because it makes them feel insecure and not important. When they try to talk or get your attention for something, just pretend you're too tired or busy thinking of something else.

4. Stop the "Pampering"!!
- girls always like to be pampered somehow, guess it's their nature or instinct. Once you stop pampering them, they would feel you stop caring about them. Thus, slowly the love fades away.

5. Act like you never had sex!!
- girls do get freak out when a guy starts to be desperate. They feel it's the body that you want and not their hearts (90% guys go for body), so the relationship would turn out meaningless for them.

6. Get intimate with your girl's friends!!!
- this works BEST ever, because girls have really strong jealousy. So start taking pictures or seen walking closely and sweettalks or flirt with your girl's friends. It really piss your girlfriend off, and would yell for a break up. Fast and easy!!

7. Show her you're out of cash!!
- girls do get very materialistic, trust me because it's true. Act like you're always short of cash when you're out dating with her (it's a big saver), and give her that look of "YOU" stressing over your financial problem. Sooner or later, she would starting thinking her dude is poor and can't afford her sh*t!!

8. Talk like a lawyer or politician!
- girls don't enjoy such conversation much when a guy gets too political or diplomatic, especially when the relationship starts to look and sound like a congress in United Nation. It really makes them feel weird and wanna f*ck off.

9. Show your dirty a**!!
- girls do freak out when a guy starts to show his darkside; spitting constantly, bad breath, poke noses, butt scratching, etc. These are really disgusting, Yuck..but it works to piss her off!

10. F*ck and run!!
- okay, this works best too because it sounds like you're escaping from the Alcatraz. Constantly running away from a girlfriend who's obsess over you. But of course, don't run so soon not untill you have explore her divine zen harmonic garden! After that, RUN for your life dammit!!!!!

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