Monday, November 3, 2008


Sometimes, I feel like there is nothing else in this world for me as I feel enough is enough. Constantly, I do tell myself that I was delivered into this world for a purpose and not just reasons. And to define that purpose, it is just up to myself.

I've carried a passion in my heart all along, and it was never easy. There tough times in my life where I couldn't see the point of living it anymore. Then, there were also times where I felt the end is near and I shall live life to the fullest.

Triathlon has always been part of me, or perhaps it is me. It is the lifestyle that I have lived with for years which I can't see to give up or live without, it seems like I'm stuck to it and unable to let go. But after all, it is me who doesn't wanna let go because that is what I want in my life and my passion.

Training has never been easy, it is always tough because nothing comes easily. There were training sessions where I felt I couldn't move at all, and there were also times where I wished I could just sleep in. But then, training was to build me up and improve me to be better. For all the sufferings and tough times in training, I've always felt worth it because at the end of the very day I realise I have achieve something wonderful in my life.

Mentally, I feel exhausted most of the time. Sometimes my brain tells me I need a rest, then my heart tells me I can do it. I always left myself in dilema where I couldn't make a decision but then I stick to one thing that I would always remember, the Inspirations. Wise words from people I look up to, which I respect, and which I feel I am just like them living a passion.

Lance Armstrong

Conrod Stoltz

Frank Schleck

Lolo Jones

Thomas Frischknecht

James Stewart

I'm inspired by these quotes, they have reminded me of who I am and where I came, and most of all what I do best. Life may seems very difficult sometimes, but as long as what it takes to overcome the obstacles is by yourself there is no mountain too high to be reached.

The pain, the struggle, the suffering, I've been there and still going through it. Why am I still do it? Triathlon is not just a life, it is what I do best and that what it is in me.

By Jack Ho
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