Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Melody's Beauty

The tender point in tune,
Plays along by soul of a gifted,
Gently heard from a soul,
With genuine smile brought in her,
Comes what yet lovely in Melody.

In every words appear through tune,
Rings a bell across by melody's fingers,
Exists in gifted sail of Her's,
Plays in each of she,
Where fantasy awaken in realm of melody,
Finds passion with her.

Feelings in motion of emotion,
Cloudly motions be there might,
Snowy motion of emotions,
Expression in emotions of cosy night's melody,
Where ears felt in tune,
Her's yet neither all but pure emotions.

The tranquility in Melody of Belle,
Seen in the eyes of Belle,
Truth lies at Heart of Belle,
Where Sun comes at hands of Belle,
Then shine of stars in Belle.

Yet then repulsiveness of hate and anger,
Fought truly in peave of love,
Carried through in carriage of Love,
In melody finds Kingdom at peace,
Again seems melody's beauty,
Of Belle at heart in Melody.

by Jacques Yvez

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