Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Originality and Changes

I was talking to Margo the other day after the mountain bike ride. We were having a conversation about philosophy and how pathetic it could be, so then she actually gave me some examples which actually gave me ideas of what to write as it was very interesting after all. Yes, I find it interesting and started to question myself a lot these couples of days. It is about originality basically because of the changes around us these days, hence the question was is it still original when it's already changed or modified?

At birth, all of us were just infants. We couldn't talk or walk or do anything independently as we were only babies. Thus, we were given names and said to be us. Then, as time has gone by, we grew up and moved into adulthood. Of course, we do not look like babies as we were back then yet we still carry the names we were given as it identifies us as who we are. But, physically we look different than we used to be as babies, because we grow. So, how can we define that we are still who we were today? Things that we do everyday have seen to be different after all, because we are humans and our nature is to learn and progress in our lives. But yet, since birth we were just little infants and couldn’t do anything as we could only be curious by our surroundings. Thus, we progress as we grow but we still remember what our names and identities are. Names and identities are just keys to verify our originality, yet it doesn’t reveal who we are because only we know and understand ourselves better than anyone else. Your brain is your’s and your heart stays in you only, but yet no one else can take them away. So, are these internal organs representing the originality of us? Indeed they do, it is because they are the DNA of us. Each and every one of us has our own written DNA in our blood, and it is never to change because it is the structure that made us human. Thus, what different does it make when defining who we are now and who we were as infants?

Margo was asking me, “You were baby when you were born, and you were given the name Jack, so are you still the Jack back then?”

The answer came to me instantly as I knew I wasn’t the baby I was as I have a different physical outlook. Yet, the only thing that has stayed the same is my DNA, as the identity of who I am today is written in it. I have grown for a little infant to an adult now, and the journey has been long and uneasy as I have learned many things. Even though I have changed from time to time, because I have learn in the journey of my life and have always improved as I am a human being, and human being’s nature is to learn, curious behaviors we have. Thus, do I still consider myself the original Jack for the changes that have been made throughout my life?

Margo then asked me again, “It is just like our bikes, when we first bought it where it came with all the assemble parts. But as time passes, new technology arises, and then we upgrade our bikes. Do you still consider it to be original?”

Thus, it reflects to the same thing as me as I have been upgraded ever since the first breath I took, as I grow humanly. So immediately my answer was I am still the Jack that has written in the DNA but not the Jack as seen back then, yet I have gone through the changes and phases in order to live a life, but not the evolution within myself biologically. Hence, my originality is still here within my DNA as it’s been written to develop for who I am today. There may be many changes in life as we grow, because the world is filled with many wonders. Yet our nature is to learn and learn, as we are the curious being. We have made discovery, and still discover today as we are the intelligent being to do so. But no matter how far advance we have gone in this world, we will never forget where we came from.

Some questions may not have answers, as the answers are right within us. It may not be for you to answer my question, but it is for you to understand your own answer. There are many things left to be questions, as there are many questions left not to be answers. Only we would know the answers, for it is who we are and what we are, yet it is up to our own understanding to comprehend what has been asked. Answers may seem to be the keys to all doors, but yet answers may also be the directions towards questions. A quest it is for us to search the truth and unfold the truth, but some truth is best kept unknown as there are certain things in this world would eventually complicate our lives. As there nothing ever perfect in this world, because that is the originality of it yet it is up to us to make the changes.

So, are you still the original you? The answer is for you to know, only.

By Jack Ho

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