Monday, May 26, 2008

Beautiful Diana

A beauty she is, with a gentle smile of heart warming tenderness.
Polite as she is, with a cheerful heart within that grows into a garden of Beauty she has.
As what a fairy tale would say, Angel has fallen from the Sky and brought a loving smile to the world.
Yet, the soft and gentle touch of an Angel brings joy and tender happiness to world of darkness.
Light it has, bright as it is with that beauty of Diana.
Soft spoken voice of hers is heard miles away, the melody spoke of its beauty.
A voice within tells the beauty has she, gently it blows away the dark clouds to bring sunshine.
The bright shiny eyes of hers give away hopes and faith, as beautiful as she is the sight is mesmerizing.
For soft and gentle beauty she has, indeed Beautiful Diana she is.

By Jack Ho
Dedicated to Diana

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