Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Too many Girls yet it's only Me

When I look around myself, I don't feel that bad being single at all. Obviously, I'm having so much fun and crazy happenings around me. So much loves to deal with and yet I'm just keeping it the way it should. Let say from Monday till Sunday, I'm filled with schedules from study to my training, and from dinner to date, and from date to private intimacy. How much more can I ask for? I guess the more I'm enjoying it, it is the more I get.

I'm not complaining how lame my life is in actual fact, because all the while it's been a Casanova’s legacy. It doesn't feel that bad being a Casanova after all, it's really about learning what's more to life and getting what my desires are. I'm doing what I want, and I'm living the want it to be, as it should be the way it is. So, with having so many girls and yet so little time, the world seems like even a smaller place to me. But yet, it is just so much fun that I have and I'm just enjoying it while I can. It's not bad to go dating at all, because dating a girl doesn't mean you have to like her. Dating is just a key to understand each other more and see how far both can click along with. It is just as easy as that, but yet people take dating as a serious matter as if somebody is getting married the next day. Besides, dating has also been seen as some kinda demonic ways of finding the right partner to certain people. It is weird indeed that people would think in such a way that it is very funny to me after all. But yet, the whole idea of dating is basically to search or get a new partner, or just have fun like I do.

Having so many girls to date, I've came to a point where my dating list is totally out. Or I should just say, I'm totally outta date! It sounds kinda weird, but this is true because when I go through my list and I don't seem to have anyone else to date. After all the dates I've been out with, we're all still in good contact and yet still constantly dating. It's really alright to date while you're still single, because nobody can accuse you for fooling around a relationship, obviously and clearly single is single with freedom. From Monday till Sunday, I've got countless dates and for me it's always the same thing as Miri is such a small place. Yet, girls do go through different kinds of experiences as girls are easily amused and entertained in certain ways (which is a secret). So after so many dates I've had, and I haven't made my decision in settling down to one partner yet, because I'm still doing what a Casanova does best. I know some girls hate me after they found out something, but sorry and needless to say I'm single and I'm not your boyfriend so I still have my rights and freedom to date whoever I wish to. Some girls may act really weird because once you have dated them they think you like them a lot and have love for them. Let me emphasize this, LOVE and LIKE are two big huge gigantic different matters!!!! Like is where you just having a crush on as where it can be easily forgot and let go. Where as Love is where you put that very right person into your heart and treasure it for the rest of your life, and love is only a feeling that can be felt with a kiss, eye contact, a hug, sex, touch, and even dinner! That's how powerful love is, sometimes for some people. So don't ever get Like and Love wrong, because it is very wrong and absurd. But yet, people get it really wrong most of the times, especially those who are under 21. That's alright, as probably we all know what their mentality is.

Sometimes dating can also be classified as a form of sparing "free-time", I feel free everyday and I got nothing better to do so I date. Thus, dating keeps me company and entertains. I always enjoy the conversation I have with my dates, as it is very lively and interesting whenever a girl speaks out her mind and her heart. I love hearing what a girl has to say just about anything. Of course they were certain times they get very nasty of course, which I keep as an open minded conversation. Be ware, some people may not as open minded as you think so it is always best to let them open up their conversation. Whenever a girl speaks out her mind and heart, and sometimes her soul, it really touched me and inspired in some ways. But most importantly, it allows me to comprehend them even more. But of course, as I dig deeper, sometimes, it turn out to be a big turn off and that's the kinda of girls that I do not date for the second time. Yes, I've dated a few girls that I do not date for the second time. But for those that I have dated over and over again, it is just so much fun to have with and enjoy every single moment of the dates together. It's not so much of the question about sex in a date but there hasn't been such principle in my dating philosophy. But plenty of guys do expect a first night on a first date, which is just too absurd and awkward. But of course if the guy is dating a whore or a prostitute than I have no say. Girls are fragile being, and lovely ones of course, so they have to be well taken care of and treasure with hearts. Thus, don't just take a girl as thrash because they have dignity and values.

I like to date girls who have attitude, dignity and respect for themselves. It is very wise to have them for all kinds of occasions. Especially girls who are good in piano, I love to date them because they tend to have elegance kind of attitude and they might even play you a song on a date. I've dated a girl once who was a very good pianist, and it was great when she played me a song. I could feel the sentimental lovely melody right out from her heart, it was brilliant. But it is indeed very hard to find a girl with a good piano background. I've dated too many girls and I'm not gonna expose all of them for sure, because it is not wise to do so. The sweet memories I had with all my dates were really precious and wonderful, it feels even better than a relationship sometimes. My friends do ask me questions on how do I handle so many girls at one time. It was my good buddies Eugene and Gilbert who pointed out this very good question, and my answer was "You just gotta keep them outta sight." with a grin.

Yet, it is not wrong for a single man to date because he is not attached to any girls at all. Sincerity somebody mention? Let me just say when you have a crush on somebody, it is just a crush and a like because obviously there's not love bonds connected to each other. So in my case, too many girls I like yet I have no intention in getting a girlfriend yet because it is too early for me to settle down. A friend of mine, Judy, has just mentioned "Why commit when you're not even ready, so you might as well do what you want". She was very right, and I have no regrets for being a Casanova. It's just fun and feel with freedom, yet I enjoy most of my dates' with respect and integrity. For those who read this and might feel offended, please don't get me wrong because you're as lovely as I thought.


By Jack Ho

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