Sunday, July 1, 2007

Was out on the weekend, and....

Weekend wasn't that bad after all, because I had a little fun at least. Last Friday night I was out in Boulevard to see the food fest, and holy shit it was so crowded! I went there with Jiok and Shamariok, then met up with my family as well. It was hard to find good foods to eat, because most of the foods were local foods where I didn't enjoy it. But it wa fun though, because I had a CAMEL burger, and a DEER burger. Shamariok ate an OSTRICH burger while Jiok ate the same thing too. Now these 2 gave me a new nickname by calling me CHICKENIOK. Great, I run like a chicken!

I went there again on Saturday because I was unsatified that I didn't get to eat the cuisine from Marriot on Friday, so I finally got to eat on Saturday night.

The fireworks were great, it was beautiful and fascinating! I went home quite early because I wanted to sleep early because I had a training to do the next day.

My training was alright over the weekend. I was out running in the hills on Saturday afternoon, and Robin came along with me too. It was a good run after all. Sunday morning was great, the weather was fine and beautiful, so I was out doing my brick training. I had 50km ride and then follwo by a 5km run. I was supposed to run 10km but half-way through I felt the pain so I stop and didn't wanna push it because I was afraid my injury would return. Then in the afternoon, I was out running on the track and Robin trained with me again. After the track, we to the hills to run again, it was a great Sunday!

And last night, I was out in Coffee Bean to go online using Robin's laptop. I was alone though, so it was just a quiet evening for me. I wrote many comments for my friends, and in the end Zaza got so jealous about it and she got so mad at me till she totally wanna ignore me. I felt weird though because I was only chit chatting and writing comments & testimonials to my friends, don't I have the freedom to do so? She went out with her good friends and yet I didn't complain about it. As for me, I meet new friends and she would think I'm a flirt! I talk to my friends, and she would think there's a secret connection! I'm not even her boyfriend though, I got my right to do whatever I want and talk to anybody I want. Zaza doesn't own me, as she wasn't the one who gave birth to me anyway, and I don't even belong to her. I slept with her, so what? She broke up with me and now she wanna control me? For Christ sake I'm not even her boyfriend! It's just plain so weird that ya get people like this in life; for a second they think you're bothering them, but when you're not they think you're out somewhere having fun and get pathetically jealous about it. What a heck!

Some of my friends are now even afraid to contact me or hang out with me. Some don't even dare to write me a testimonial in Friendster. But I'm glad I got Facebook and Blogspot though, because Zaza doesn't have any of them. This will be able to help me to get my own life! I really hope all my friends are not running away from me because of her, and I hope no more friendship will be ruined. I got my own friends, and my own life! I'm just a little piss off that Zaza sounds like she wanna mess my life up. If she really wanna control me, why don't just take me as her boyfriend? At least she gets a reason saying I'm her boyfriend and can get jealous about the things I do. But I'm not, I'm single!

I've promised Jia Ming and Jasmine to help them to edit their Friendsters. Even they are afraid to contact me because they're afraid Zaza might get piss off. Yeah, she will get piss off if she knows becaus she will think I'm out dating with them. Even if I'm out dating with other girls, so what? I'm single! SO I'll be helping them out because they are my friends! Zaza is not the only one who has friends, I have my own friends too! And it doesn't mean she can see her friends, and I can't! Only idiots would think that way...lolz!

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