Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Two more weeks to come it will be the Sarawak Triathlon 2008. It's another tough race and the heat is on, hotter than before. A lot of competitive furious pace is definitely expected, as everybody is just getting better and better.

I think I'm ready, yet I'm not sure if I'm ready. Every sweat under the sun, every breath I struggle to take, have taken the whole of me and set me towards something I do not and unable to foresee. But yet, it can only be felt; the pain, the anger, the struggle, the furious, and most of all the sound of the crowd. I can hear people clapping and cheering, I can feel my opponents fighting hard. What is there to come? I do not know, yet I do not even know if I'm ready. Listen to the voice within shall I, yet hearing what is around is a focus.

Each step I've taken in this journey towards the finish line, it is unforgettable. So far I have come, along with many others, the race is a race. It is the definition of all, and whatever it takes. It is either do or die, or live with it.

Here I am, my heart is pumping and adrenaline is rushing through ME!

Come on, let's race!!

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